Place For Cats is considering to take in this poor, needy cat currently existing outside in upstate New York. Apparently, kitty lost his ears to frostbite and is so severely matted it’ll require surgical removal.

Although kitty regularly comes to a porch for feeding, it isn’t known what is his temperament. We are working with a rescuer in the upstate area, Heather Mittler, who would trap him.
We want to get Mr. Peach down to NYC, seen by our vet (estimate shown,) match kitty with an experienced foster who has skills in socializing cats (just in case he needs socializing) and who can commit to at least a 4-month period of care.

We don’t know age, condition of teeth or anything other than what’s in kitty’s photo so it is possible MR. PEACH will require additional care such as dental surgery before he is ready for adoption.
Unlike with NYC ACC pulls where some of the basic vet work is done, the care and treatment of Mr. Peach will be entirely on us. But first we have to organize an appropriate foster in NYC.
Therefore, reaching out to all who have fostered for us in the past and who have an opening now or those who signed up previously even if we did not provide a kitty at the time – if you have space and availability now into the summer, please give a shout.
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